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Solomon Teye Alipoh

Assistant Pastor

Solomon Teye Alipoh is the Minister of Radical Hospitality of the Union Combined Parish as part of the Pastoral Team.

Hailing from Ghana, Solomon served two local congregations in the Christ Apostolic Church International as a lay pastor until 2018 when he was ordained in that church. In 2015, he founded Teye Alipoh Worldwide Ministries, a non-denominational outreach ministry geared towards meeting the material and financial needs of deprived communities in Ghana while making disciples for Jesus Christ. While in Ghana, he was featured on popular television and radio shows, including the Eti Sen Show.

Solomon earned a diploma in theology from Christ Apostolic University College in Ghana, a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Central University from the same, a Master of Divinity from the Boston University School of Theology, and a Master of Sacred Theology from the same.

Solomon is a local licensed pastor in the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church and is pursuing ordination as an elder. Solomon likes studying, praying, listening to South African gospel music, meeting new people, traveling, hiking, and taking pictures.

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