"And let us pray that our love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help us discern what really matters" (Philippians 1:9-10).
Lent is a 40-day journey of prayer and discernment in the wilderness of this world. This Lent, we reflect on longing—longing for the Spirit of God, longing for healing, longing for community. Likewise, we will be critical of the desires we have internalized from this world. As we root ourselves in God's beloved community, we pay attention to the divine longing of the Spirit working within us.
In this season, we are all invited to take on a spiritual practice in community. See the many ways we are praying, reading, writing, and discerning together, and sign up for one this Lent.
Daily Devotional: 40 Days with Wesley
Read Reuben P. Job's 40 Days with Wesley during Lent and answer a short prompt every day on the Union Combined Parish app. Led by Minister J.J.
When: Daily at your own pace
Union Writing Circle
Get motivated and inspired to write and hone your skills in community using prompts. Led by Angela Bleeching and Sara Crass.
When: Every Sunday at 10:00 AM for 8 weeks starting March 9 in person and online
Discernment Group
Journey through your season of discernment—vocational, creative, or life changing—and listen for God's guidance in community. Led by Pastor Kyle, Student Minister Amarais, and Eric Falley.
When: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM starting March 12 online
Kids Sunday School
Kids ages 3-12 gather during Worship at Union Church for Bible stories, crafts, friendship, and more. Led by Stephanie Garrett-Stearns and Sonja Alves.
When: Sundays during Worship at Union Church starting March 23